The Peristaltic Feed Pump Kit (FPK) is designed to be paired with HVE Thin Film Evaporator systems. The FPK upgrades your system for the regulated, continuous input of material and consistent volumes to be introduced into the still body thus increasing the ease of use, overall speed and efficiency of the system.
The FPK employs a Masterflex® L/S Easy-Load II peristaltic pump to digitally control the input of material being fed into the thin/wiped film system.
Peristaltic pumps offer simple operation, low maintenance, and heated, viscous fluid handling with ease. The kit also includes two (2) sizes of silicone tubing for variable flow rates of fluids, with high temperature & chemical resistance as well as all adapters needed for connection to HVE systems.
The FPK can also be paired with the Discharge Pump Kit (DPK) which allows for a continuous input of material as well as the continuous output of fractions. This dramatically increases the potential throughput for the HVE system as it can now process in a fully continuous configuration without having to switch stop the system to switch receiving flasks or feed material. For optimal operation, the Booster Pump Kit (BPK) can also be added giving the HVE faster achievable speeds and even further increased throughput.